For Coaches - Trainers - Consultants - Independent Service Professionals

High-Value Clients Online™ -


...the complete "get-it-finally-done" online system for coaches, consultants, trainers & independent service professionals to organically fill your business with great clients who come to you...

What if you could have as many clients as you wish coming to you without paying for ads?

You'll have everything
you need to...

  • Uncover the value you really provide and the words to communicate it so that people get it
  • Define your online positioning so that your contribution gets seen, respected and well rewarded. (Most people don't know how to position themselves, their brands and their work so they end up ignored in the ever noisier market place).
  • Structure and describe your high-value offer so that people can easily say yes to investing in working with you. (The right structure gives your clients confidence and a great experience while it frees up your time. "High-value" doesn't mean to work harder to try to overcompensate)
  • Create your own sales process that is "so you" that you don't have to constantly "motivate yourself to sell"
  • Implement a simple system to grow your online audience and your email list so that you always have more than enough people ready to sign up with you
  • Develop the path to turn your email subscribers into clients. (Most people do this wrong and miss the people who are already ready to sign up today)
  • Craft a simple online class that can fill your business with the right people ready to work with you. (All the "webinar courses" out there are about selling "products". You'll have an online class system specifically for clients)
  • And much more...

And most importantly, this program will give you the confidence to be seen, respected and well paid for your expertise

What Makes High-Value Clients Online Blueprint Different...

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from building 2 businesses based on my expertise (one freshly graduated from university and the second one online when I moved to the middle of the countryside in the German Alps and didn't even speak the language) and distilled it into this comprehensive, "beyond step-by-step" implementation program.

The end result...

An elegantly simple way of growing your business organically and long-term ASSETS ready to bring you the clients, reach and impact you want.

Full Transparency
See exactly what I've done and I'm still doing online to attract high-value clients.

Make your other investments finally pay...
Once you have these solid foundations in place, you'll find that you can put other trainings you've invested in to work, too.

Flexible blueprint that allows for your creativity...
This is a road map so that you build a system for your business and do it your way, with your style. You'll love what you build.

The only training to fill your business with high-value clients organically you'll need...

How exactly is this going to work?

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That's it! All your training modules are waiting there for you.

How exactly are you going to keep your promise, Ana?

The proven High-Value Clients Online Blueprint sets you up for success whether you're just starting out with an idea, or are a seasoned coach, trainer, consultant, or service professional who's been in business for years...

Each module will build on the next, and every step of the way the confidence levels go up.

  1. 1
    Module 1: Powerful Positioning Formula – Position Yourself To Be Seen, Valued & Chosen By Highly-Invested Clients

    The right positioning makes you visible to the people you can help most. It creates trust and credibility and gives your best clients a reason to choose you among the seas of people who seem to be doing the same thing as you do.

    The beauty of the Powerful Positioning Formula is that it quickly moves you beyond “the niche conversation”. Most programs start with “finding your niche/target market” and years later participants are still stuck there.

    In the 9 lessons of this module, you’ll discover…

    -The true value that you offer so that you can have the confidence to attract highly-invested clients, who commit, do the work and get great results from your work.

    .- What to stop doing if you want to position yourself as the go-to expert in your field. (These easy-to-stop things kill your chances to be seen and chosen by high-value clients).

    - Discover the ideal group of hot buyers that you’re meant to serve, so you’re paid top-dollar for what you do!

    - The words to communicate the true value of your work and what makes it unique. Imagine being able to confidently answer the question “why should I choose you?” It will also translate your unique awesomeness into any marketing activities you do.

    - The elements to add so that your value becomes visible. (This part finishes with the big problem of wishing and hoping “if only people could see”. One of the biggest obstacles that slow down the success of people like us is that we sell the invisible. So we need a way of making our true value “real” and visible).

    - The one element you need to include to inspire your perfect clients to invest in working with you. NO, it’s not more marketing or more convincing. (It is a factor that is completely FREE but if you don’t add it to your positioning formula, it will keep people from moving into action).

    NOTE: The Positioning Formula is all about value, not bragging or calling yourself the “expert”. It is about people valuing you as the expert you are without having to convince them.

    - And more!

    Accelerator #1 – The words to describe what you do so that people immediately get it and your services sell themselves
    Accelerator #2 – Social media profile templates
    Accelerator #3– Website positioning triggers (A great selection of triggers you can add to your site. Choose the ones you’re ready for. HINT – Testimonials are not required).
  2. 2
    Module 2: What Sells – What to offer so that your perfect clients say “Yes, I have to have that now!”

    Get this right, and the 5 flexibilities of your business can open up for you to enjoy: flexibility to do what you are meant to do, flexibility to create a great income, flexibility to work with clients you love, flexibility to work anywhere, flexibility to enjoy more free time.

    Get this wrong and you will be trapped into the time for dollar hamster wheel with a ceiling of how much you can earn, how many people you can help and the impact you can have with your work.

    In these 5 lessons, you’ll discover…

    - What to sell so that the perfect people decide to invest in working with you without having to chase them (even if there is information on the web).

    - The most lucrative application of your expertise, so you make the maximum profit while doing what you love most.

    - How to brand and package your offer to attract new and high-value clients.

    - The structure of your programs so that your clients can be well-served and get great results. You’ll also learn how not to structure your services so that you don’t get stuck in the time for dollar trap.

    - How to communicate the value you offer so that your perfect clients get it and sign up.

    - And more!

    Accelerator #4 – Offer Progression Plan (with the same expertise, create a well-structured, lucrative line of programs and services).
    Accelerator #5 – Profitable Naming Template (These words and templates allow you to create magnetic names for your programs).
    Accelerator # 6 – When and how to offer Day Intensives. (There are people absolutely ready for intensives so it’s a win-win: they can get exactly what they need and you can add an easy stream of income).
    Accelerator # 7 – What to offer to people that are not ready for your main offer (so that they get started moving forward with you at the highest level they are ready for).

  3. 3
    Module 3: How To Sell – How to confidently offer your services, packages and programs in an authentic way so that you won’t have to “motivate yourself” to sell     
    Selling is part of doing business. (I don’t know if you can relate… but I used to wish selling wasn’t necessary. I used to “tolerate” sales in good days and hate it most days).

    This module will show you a new way of thinking and doing sales so that you can actually make it one of the favorite jobs of your business. (Yes, I honestly made it a project to make sales a job I enjoy in mine and I’m going to show you how you can do it, too).

    In these 5 lessons, you’ll discover…

    - how NOT to sell your services and programs because they don’t work in businesses like ours based on our expertise.

    - how to confidently sell by truly connecting to the human being you’re talking to (instead of trying to push or manipulate people based on their insecurities like most trainings teach you to do).

    - how to reverse the dynamics by having the clients chasing you (and not you chasing and following up with them forever)

    - how to structure your sales process so that people get great value from it and decide to sign up with you on the spot (without you having to persuade, convince or push in any way).

    - what to do after they sign up so that they start getting results and moving forward powerfully (instead of getting cold feet and second-guess their decision to work with you).

    Accelerator # 8 – The step-by-step structure based on my “Bridge System” to have an authentic sales process that feels great to clients and to you. (You’ll always know what to say and do without a script. By the end of Module 3, you’ll have created your very own).
    Accelerator # 9 – How To Offer Your Free Sessions Road Map (so that the right people jump at the chance to talk to you).

    PERSONAL NOTE - I created the Bridge System” to have authentic and valuable enrollment conversations for my first business and once I distilled it into a structure that would provide great value for my potential clients while moving the right people to make a yes decision, I felt I had a true super power. I felt for the first time in my business like a super hero. It has been one of the biggest foundations for success.

  4. 4
    Module 4: Get discovered online by your best clients, grow your audience and reach   
    When clients discover you, they value you more. This module is about making yourself discoverable online by the people ready to work with you… And you don’t need to be on page 1 on Google for this to happen.

    In these 5 lessons, you’ll discover…

    - where your high-value clients hide online and how to position yourself so that they can discover you.

    - how to grow your audience online for free.

    - how to grow an email list of raving fans ready to work with you and how to build the path from email subscriber to client.

    - the big social media mistakes that will keep wasting your time with nothing to show up for it and what to do instead in 15 minutes a day.

    -And much more!

    Accelerator # 10 – Grow Your Online Audience 15-minutes-a-day System (I’ve developed a simple way of growing my audience online and I’ll show you step-by-step how you can put it to play in your business).
    Accelerator # 11 – 99 Headline Templates (to get your emails opened and your content consumed) and idea catalysts so that you’ll always know what to talk about.

  5. 5
    Module 5: Powerful Online Classes – How to fill your calendar with people ready to sign up and work with you                                                                                                                             
    Learn how to create your simple and effective online class and/or webinar that moves the right people to raise their hand and request a conversation to sign up with you.

    In these 5 lessons, you’ll discover…

    - where to start creating your class so that you don’t have to feel weird or nervous when it comes time to offer your services.

    - how to approach the topic, title and content of your class so that it attracts the right people. (Your advantage – you don’t need thousands of people in your class to fill your business with high-value clients but you DO need the right people there).

    - how to open your class powerfully so that you create trust, value and connection with your attendees. (This can position you as unique so that you never have to answer the question “why you?” or “what makes you different?”).

    - the essentials to make your class really happen fast. (“Gurus” teach complicated “webinars” that actually never happen for most people exactly because of that level of complexity. You’ll get the exact checklist I use to make the important decisions fast. It includes how I fill my classes with the right people, too).

    - And much more!

    Accelerator # 12 – The fill-in-the-slide template to put together your online class that fills your business with great clients.

Ana Rosenberg

Business Consultant - Best-Selling Author

Ana Rosenberg – Bestselling Author and Happy Business Acceleration Consultant – shows independent service professionals, coaches, trainers and consultants how to get to what many of her clients describe as “business nirvana”: growing a happy, profitable, sustainable business to be proud of while having a fearless impact in the world with their best work.

Ana specializes in helping "modern experts" create happy 6 and 7 figure businesses by uncovering their natural confidence and brilliance so that they can show up at their best most of the time.



All sales final. This is an instantly downloadable training with downloadable PDFs and audios.

© 2007 - 2021 Ana Rosenberg