Marketing Strategies Online – What Pages Do I Need To Grow My Business? | Ana Rosenberg

Marketing Strategies Online – What Pages Do I Need To Grow My Business?

Many modern professionals, experts and entrepreneurs have great work that can change people’s life and would like to know how to bring it online so that they can reach more people. This article came to be as an answer to these questions:
- What pages do I need to have online, apart from the usual pages on my website?
- How do I bring my work online?
- What tools do I need to make this work?

Today, I’m going to show you the pages and tools you need to market your expert business online beyond the typical pages on your site.

The good news is that marketing online is great for modern professionals and experts who have value to add to their audiences. In this article we’ll discuss strategy. I want to mention that as the CEO of your business, you don’t even need to do the actual creation of the pages yourself. The best investment of your time is to understand the strategies so that you know what you need to get done.

Big Mistake To Avoid – Bringing your good work online is not about dumping everything you know on a website.

So how do I start?

It’s about starting a relationship with the people interested in what you have to say (so that you are always adding value to people who are delighted to receive it) and positioning yourself as a valuable resource to them (what we call positioning yourself as a Leading Authority in your field).

So back to the pages you’ll need…

We will talk about the strategy behind the pages as well as the commonly used industry terms for those pages so that you start learning the lingo.

Relationship Pages

These are pages that allow you to build a relationship with an audience hungry for what you have to offer.

Opt-in Pages, sometimes called landing pages – These are the industry terms for a page where you offer for free something super valuable to your ideal audience and the starting point of the work you will do to nurture that relationship with your web visitors.

Thank You Page, also known as confirmation page – After they enter their email address, you can send them to a thank you page to let them know that the free gift/information they requested is on its way to their inbox.

Download Page – This is the actual page where they can access what you promised. Some people will combine the “thank you page” and the “download page” in one, other people prefer to keep it separate.

Tools you need to make it happen – you need a system to automate and manage emails so that no matter what time of the day or night and no matter where in the planet a person is they can receive the free gift/information you promised. If you are sending a newsletter, you’ll use that tool to send it regularly, as well. If you want to invite them to some training you are holding, you’ll use that tool as well. You get the idea, right?

Online Training Registration Page – Are you doing a free training, teleseminar or webinar? The page with the invitation to register can be a variation of an opt-in page.

Sales Pages

Sales Letters - These are pages that vary in length and basically allowed people to invest in something you are offering online, like your programs or trainings. You have probably seen them. Chances are you have invested in some programs or trainings yourself.

TIME-SAVING TIP - Sales pages work great for information products and virtual programs. As professionals and experts that we are, we get hired by clients/patients/students. For your services, you probably don’t need a sales page because people need to have a conversation with you directly.

Video Sales Page - A common variation of the sales page with a video instead of text. Some people actually use a video plus the text to cater for different styles.

Tools you’ll need – you will need to have a way of producing an order form and accept payment.

Virtual Training/Delivery Pages

Members Area – Membership Site – If you sell programs or trainings online, you will need a page to send people to after they buy. I like to think of them as a virtual classroom.

Tools you’ll need- There is a special kind of software to create a members only area for your buyers. They are usually called membership sites.

Next Step

Check out these articles that will help you with an online strategy to attract great clients that are a joy to work with:


3 Solid Online Marketing Strategies You Can Implement Today-
The Top Online Marketing Strategy For A Small Business – Give And Grow Rich -
5 Best Online Marketing Strategies For An Expert Business -

Essential Tools

- The first tool you need is a website that allows you to create as many pages as you need, whenever you need them.
- Email management System
- Teleseminar & Webinar System
- Members Area – Membership Site Software

Till next time… happy planning and remember your awesomeness is portable. You can take it with you anywhere.
With love

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