The One Thing You Can Plan Today To Have A Profitable Book That Grows Your Business
A book when planed right can be a profitable tool to grow your business, secure great clients and open doors of possibility.
It breaks my heart to see how people teach to plan your book so that great experts miss out on all that. The results I usually see is experts putting a lot of time and work into a book and then nothing happens.
Not many book sales, no clients and no new opportunities.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
In fact, you'll discover where I start to strategically plan each of my books as a tool to grow my business.
You'll also find out how starting from this one thing can mean the difference between a book that gets published and a book that never sees the light of the day.
All by starting your book planning right.
Why do I care so much about publishing books that grow businesses?
Today, I’ve published several books that have allowed me to build an international audience, attract great clients and open many doors of opportunity.
Even if - in the big picture - I’m still an undercover celebrity who enjoys the fact that most people don’t know me.
It was not always like that....
I made the decision to bring my work online when I married my dear German engineer husband and moved to the middle of the Alps in Europe. I hardly spoke any German.
This is a place with more cows than people, as I always joke. (And the joke is funny because it's so true).
Bringing my work online was not easy. It has been a process with more mistakes than success…
One of the few things I got right was to start publishing books to grow my business.
So books have been instrumental in growing my business but not in the way I first thought…
The process is not linear: publish a book and become madly famous and rich.
I guess you know that.
I discovered in the process that there are certain factors my books have in common that have helped my business…
So what exactly is this starting point?
As soon as I start planning a book, I plan how it will work for my business.
Starting with this: finding a profitable topic.
And finishing with a whole system to put the book to work for my business.
Yes, the right topic can make the difference between a book that can be put to work for your business and a book your business needs to work for.
How to make sure your book happens
I also have started plenty of books that will die in my hard drive.
So what‘s exactly the difference between the books I‘ve published and the ones that will never happen?
One big difference is the topic…
The right topic has the ability to make the book possible and to put it to work for your business.
I‘ve been paying attention to the difference between the books that will never happen, the books that can happen but will not move the needle and the profitable books that are really a business asset.
All this starts with the topic.
Negative examples
Let me show you examples of how the choice of the topic was less than ideal.
An executive coach published a book about networking when he had no intention of teaching networking or being positioned as a networking expert.
He told me he chose the topic because it was a topic he knew a lot about.
Learning moment for this coach - Start with your business in mind and the positive question of what you want to be known for.
Another frequent example is experts who think they have to write "the bible" of their field of expertise.
Learning moment - The "bible of your topic of expertise" is hard to write and even more difficult to finish. When you finally finish "the bible", the book is not current any more.
Plus, it's not the highest value for the reader because they have to immerse themselves and find the answers they are looking for.
With your reader in mind and at heart, start making a list of problems, fears, frustrations and desires of the people you help. Which of those problems could you choose to solve for them in abook? Which of those problems would lead to the bigger conversation of investing in working with you?
Till next time, remember... your awesomeness is portable. You can take it with you anywhere and everywhere.
With love
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