The Plan - Your Next Clients Online
... aka where are your next clients going to come from online?
The answer is wicked simple...
... a class.
A webinar, you might ask?
A simple class with no selling.
No selling you might ask?
It's not very probable that you sell your high-value services at the end of a webinar and people will magically press a button and buy without a conversation with you.
Thought Experiment (30 seconds)
Think of hiring a contractor to renovate your kitchen. Would you just press a "buy now" button and hire someone without a previous chat?
Think of buying a new pair of shoes. Would you press a "buy now" button and order the shoes?
What's the difference?
The Plan...
1 - Start With The End In Mind
Concentrate your energy on the invitation to a conversation with you to the right people for the end of your class.
Ask yourself...
How can you make the opportunity to a conversation with you irresistible?
2 - The Attraction Factor
The topic of your class will be your attraction factor.
Ask yourself...
What kind of audience do you want to attract?
3 - The Invitation
As soon as you have your topic, choose a date and craft a simple invitation page for people to sign up for your class.
Ask yourself...
What will the attendees leave with after the class?
This question will help you with your class title and description.
PRO TIP - Simultaneously create your class and promote it. Don't wait till your class is ready to start promoting it.
Till next time, remember... Your awesomeness is portable. You can take it with you everywhere and anywhere.
With love,
PS - If you want my complete system to create a simple class to fill your business with clients, you might like "Class Into Clients".
This is exactly what it is about...
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