Where To Put Your Message In Front Of The Right People On Social (Old Loves And A New Flame) | Ana Rosenberg

Where To Put Your Message In Front Of The Right People On Social (Old Loves And A New Flame)


It's not only about having a message. People have to see it, too.

It's not only about having a website. People have to see it, too.

So where do we find the right people?

Part of the answer is social media, of course.

I say part of the answer because... people spend their time online in many sites and only a fraction on social media.

NOTE - Today I'm also going to share with you where I spend my energy on social with best results. (Yes, not just talk about it. I'm going to share with you what I actually do in the everyday life of my real business).

Everything starts by making oneself discoverable on social.


These are 3 keys to make yourself discoverable on social:

1. Position Yourself To Be Discovered By The Right People

One of the most important parts of that is the content you produce.

The more your content is aligned with solving problems real people are really looking for solutions to, the more chances you have to be discovered by the right people.

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2. Grow Your Audience

It's not about posting and producing content only....

The second part is to put the content in front of the people who want it.

So before thinking of many other things that internet marketers and business coaches who have never built a business outside talking about making money tell you to do, start by building the right audience.

And... I would go a step further...

Continue to proactively grow a relevant audience every single day.

3. Leverage The Social Landscape

The obvious starting point is where your people hang out. Choose to invest your energy on platforms full of your ideal clients.

The social media landscape can be divided into two opportunities:

There are platforms that are "pay-to-play", like Facebook and Instagram. 

The biggest opportunity they have been offering is to advertise with them. That means to pay them so that they show your message to certain groups of people with certain characteristics.

I'm not going to tell you about paid advertisement today. It does have a place in my business but for certain things and it's never my starting point.

MYTH - You pay Facebook and magically you'll have a business that works and makes you money. That's a dangerous oversimplification. You can waste lots of money on Facebook or Instagram ads without results.

CLOSER TO THE TRUTH - You test and test until you get something that works.

There are platforms where you can build your audience every day and at the same time advertise when you need to.

MYTH - You have to be everywhere.

CLOSER TO THE TRUTH - It makes more sense to master one platform at a time and build from there.

Old Loves

I don't keep my social media strategy a secret. (And I'm not afraid of my "competition" either).

Let me share where I have chosen to build my audience:


It was the most serendipitous kind of love.

Twitter in its beginnings allowed even fewer characters than today and I thought I was not going to enjoy it.

So... I opened my account and did nothing with it for years...


I discovered that Twitter offers the opportunity to connect with great people, build an audience and put your message in front of them with lightening speed.

This is my Twitter account, in case you want to connect there and see what I'm doing with my account:



I use LinkedIn to make valuable connections that I can collaborate with.

Having said that, LinkedIn is the most business friendly platform because it's a business networking platform. (It was created with that purpose).

Are we connected on LinkedIn?

Come say "hi" and send me a connection request here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/anarosenberg

New Flame

Pinterest has been my new investment of energy lately...

Pinterest has been very good to me. They have been showing my pins to thousands of people for free.

And they offer the opportunity to advertise as well. (That's important because advertising is the way to scale).

It's a great complement to Twitter because once one of your pins is there, it lives there for ever. The more views
a pin has, the more it is still shown.

People go to Pinterest to look for ideas of things to buy.

That makes it a very interesting platform.

Yes, you have to turn your content into attractive pins and that requires some investment of energy and in many cases of creativity...

RESULTS TILL NOW - My audience has been steadily growing organically and my pins have gained a lot of visibility for free.

Follow me on Pinterest to see my account in action:


Till next time remember…
Your awesomeness is portable. You can take it with you anywhere and everywhere.


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