AR Authority Publishing Hits Amazon Best Seller Lists With New Book “Confidence” | Ana Rosenberg

AR Authority Publishing Hits Amazon Best Seller Lists With New Book “Confidence”

AR Authority Publishing launched its latest book “Confidence – Volume I – How To Go For What You Really, Really, REALLY Want And Stay Strong No Matter What” benefiting Crisol, a non-profit organization helping educate young people so that they get their first job and stay out of poverty. It recently reached three Amazon Best Seller lists and it is currently available in the Amazon Kindle bookstore.

August 23, 2016

AR Authority Publishing released their latest book “Confidence – Volume I – How To Go For What You Really, Really, REALLY Want And Stay Strong No Matter What”. The book recently reached three Amazon Best Seller lists, including Mentoring & Coaching and Business Ethics. It also made the #1 Hot New Releases in Mentoring & Coaching and Business Ethics.

When asked about what makes this book project so special, Ana Rosenberg – President of AR Authority Publishing – stated “We have dedicated this book to Crisol Proyectos Sociales, a South American non-profit organization focused on education and skills development intending to provide deprived sectors with the tools necessary to play an active social organizational role. We are thrilled to have chosen Crisol to donate 100% of the Amazon retail royalties of Confidence and most importantly, to help spread the word about their good cause. Giving young people the skills and training they need to find a valuable place in society instead of giving them just a hand-down is key to finishing with poverty and suffering.”

“Confidence – Volume I – How To Go For What You Really, Really, REALLY Want And Stay Strong No Matter What” spotlights conversations with success and confidence professionals, coaches and trainers, sharing their insights and real world experience on how to build the confidence to go for what one wants in business and life. They also answer the most common questions and bust the myths and misconceptions so many people have about confidence.

To learn more about Crisol Proyectos Sociales, visit

“Confidence – Volume I – How To Go For What You Really, Really, REALLY Want And Stay Strong No Matter What” is available in the Amazon Bookstore at