AR Authority Publishing Announces Partnership With Crisol Proyectos Sociales To Support Education Of Vulnerable Sectors
AR Authority Publishing selected Crisol Proyectos Sociales to donate the retail royalties of their upcoming series of books.

May 11, 2016
AR Authority Publishing has been chosen as Crisol Proyectos Sociales – a non-profit organization focused on education and skills development intending to provide deprived sectors with the tools necessary to play an active social organizational role – to donate the retail royalties of their upcoming series of books.
Ana Rosenberg, President of AR Authority Publishing said: “We are thrilled to have chosen Crisol to donate the retail royalties of our forthcoming series of books and most importantly, to help spread the word about their good cause. Giving young people the skills and training they need to find a valuable place in society instead of giving them just a hand-down is key to finishing with poverty and suffering.”
When asked about the reasons for this selection, Rosenberg stated that “Crisol was created in 1994 by an interdisciplinary group of social sciences professionals. These are people professionally trained to help in the most effective way. It intends to reflect and contribute with new ideas to enrich public policies and to promote social projects focused on the most vulnerable population: those persons living in extremely poor neighborhoods and rural areas. Crisol has also the experience in helping effectively. They have been working for over 22 years developing two areas (Social Counseling and Community Development) to learn more about Argentina’s social reality, through research and investigation for the subsequent field work to foster transformation and to improve life quality standards among the poorest sectors of the population.”
The first book in the AR Authority Publishing series is called “Confidence – How To Go For What You Really, Really, REALLY Want And Stay Strong No Matter What” and will feature professionals, coaches and trainers who are true advocates for the success of the person who feels that a lack of confidence is the only obstacle standing between them and their success.
Crisol helps by developing programs aimed at specially addressed to vulnerable sectors, especially the youth. It implements artistic, cultural and educational projects aimed at social inclusion. Its endeavors are focused on education and skills development intending to provide deprived sectors with the tools necessary to play an active social organizational role. It intends to get youngsters to participate in creative activities to increase self-esteem and provide them with better conditions to continue their education and allow them to get a job. Youth, education, work and creation are always present in all the activities and projects developed by Crisol.
To learn more about Crisol Proyectos Sociales, visit