9 Marketing Online Tips For A Website That Actually Sells Your Services | Ana Rosenberg

9 Marketing Online Tips For A Website That Actually Sells Your Services

The website, what I call “the w word”… Sometimes it turns into a never ending project people stress out over more than they should. And worse still, once it is “ready”, there is no difference in the number of clients who hire you. I see too often that after a significant investment of time, energy and money, most people end up with a fancy online brochure that does nothing to bring you clients.

These 9 online marketing tips will help you avoid expensive mistakes if you are planning your website and help you put your site to work for you if you already have one.

WARNING – This article is for people like us, modern experts with a mission and a message, experienced professionals, coaches, therapists, trainers, consultants. It is not the typical “Internet marketing” info for selling “stuff online”.

If you are still reading, let’s get started.

1. M&M… &M

Yes, 3 Ms. There are 3 Ms in marketing:
-Market (or what I call your “who”)
-Message (aka your “what”)
-Media (aka your “how”)

The key here is that you have to have a plan in this order: market, message and media. In other words, you have to be clear about who you are helping, what your message and offer will be and only then which media you are going to use to spread your message.

Your “who” is the heart and soul of your marketing and it determines which media you’re going to use.
Guess which of the 3 Ms is your website? Right. Your site is media so this simply means that you have to be clear about who you are going to help with what problems first before you even start planning your site.

2. A Frame

We can think of a website as a frame. Of course, a beautiful frame works in harmony with the picture and it helps to draw attention to the picture. The picture you’re displaying on your site is actually your message. Make your message the main focus. Sometimes we stress out so much about the design. It is a frame.

3. The Positioning Mystery

Everybody talks about the elusive positioning without explaining exactly what it is and most importantly how to actually position yourself for maximum results.

Well, I’m about to change that and the beauty of it is that it is something you can do starting today.

Your website is about your visitor and their problems. Position yourself as the person who can solve those problems by actually solving them.

Your free gift is the beginning. You are showing that you understand your audience and what they are going through. The same applies to your blog posts, your newsletter and eventually your paid services.

There are many other aspects that have to do with positioning yourself as an Authority in your field but we have covered the most powerful place to start. You might also want to check this article for mistakes to avoid in your Authority Site. https://anarosenberg.com/online-marketing-tips/

4. Your Main Goal

Be clear about the main goal of your site and plan accordingly.

If you are not sure what your goal should be, let me give you some ideas that work beautifully for services.

Most visitors to a site are not ready to buy, especially a high-end service. You could make it your main goal to offer your visitor a free gift in exchange for their contact information.

Why? The sad truth is that most visitors don’t come back to your site for a number of reasons. A smart strategy is to offer them immediate help with the problem they are looking to solve in exchange for their email address. That way you can follow up with them, add value, and create a relationship that eventually leads to hiring you.

5. Your About Page

Your about page is one of the most visited pages in your site: use it wisely.

One of the best uses of your about page is to tell your story and your why. People want to know why you do what you do.

This is my favorite video on the power of why:

6. Connect The Dots

Aim for clarity in your message and in what action you want your visitor to take. Connect the dots for them and make it simple to take that one action you want them to take.

A big mistake I see more often than I wish I had to is navigation tabs that are not clear. Make your site easy to navigate and your important pages easy to find. Your visitor is one click away from your competitor’s website.

If you offer services, you should have a page that clearly describes the services you provide. Not too many options. Remember that a confused mind never buys.

A question I am often asked is whether to include the price on your website. Stay tuned because I will be writing an article only about prices.

7. Action

For every page and post on your website, plan the ONE action you want to invite your visitor to take.
One action, not twenty… no matter how tempting it is to ask for a couple of things.

This is a call to action. Make sure to clearly tell your visitor what to do on every one of your pages and posts. In other words, always include a call to action.

8. The Source Matters

Unfortunately, it is not enough to have a website. People have to find it and visit it. That is technically called “traffic” and the source of that traffic matters. Be clear about who the visitors to your website are and where they’re coming from.

Let me give you an example. Let’s say that I hold a workshop offline (yes, there is life offline, too) and the participants go to my website afterwards for more resources. Those visitors come from a high quality source: they are clearly seeking a solution to the problem that I solve.

9. Mobile Responsive

Just a word of caution here. More and more people access your website from a mobile device. Make sure you are using a theme that is mobile responsive.

Next Step

Identify one area you could improve on and go do it (or get it done).

Happy website!

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