Is It Time To Have An Online Course In Your Business? | Ana Rosenberg

Is It Time To Have An Online Course In Your Business?

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If you are a coach, trainer, consultant or independent service professional, you might have been playing with the idea of adding an online course to boost your business.

Yes, an online course can help boost and stabilize your business with one elegant move but...

Is it time for your business?

Ask yourself these 5 questions...

1. Can you add value today?

"To add value means to take people closer to the outcome they desire"- Ana Rosenberg

What desired outcomes can you take people closer to?

NOTE - The keyword here is: closer to. You don't need to promise an outcome, just check what is possible. It's not only possible but probable that people can get closer to the outcome they want with your course (versus going alone).

2. Do you wish you had something to help people who cannot afford to work one-on-one with you?

I don't know about you but I suspect that we are similar in this: we don't like to leave people hanging without help.

Yes, it also makes business sense to have a course to help people get started if they cannot afford to become private clients.

3. Could your business use some stability?

If you have a client-based business, you probably have experienced something similar to feast and famine cycles.

An online course can bring some stability in your business and give you the freedom to choose who you work privately with.

4. Do you ever wish you could only work personally on the projects that light you up?

One way of growing a profitable and sustainable business is to have courses that can free up your personal time to pick only the clients and projects that light you up.

5. Would you like to have an online course in your business?

If you feel called to impacting more people with your good work, this might be for you.
Online Course In A Weekend™ - The complete, finally-get-it-done system to create an online course in a weekend - might be for you. Check it out here. 

Till next time, remember... Your awesomeness is portable. You can take it with you everywhere and anywhere.

With love, 


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Online Course In A Weekend™

the complete, finally-get-it-done system to create an online course in a weekend

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