The 9 Minute Free Gift Formula | Ana Rosenberg

The 9 Minute Free Gift Formula To Attract More Clients Online

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"Not all my visitors want the  same free gift," said one of my private clients.

This is what I shared with him to start putting what he already had to work for his business.

It's great to offer a valuable free gift to your website visitors so that you can continue and strengthen the relationship with them when they join your email list.

I hate the phrase "email list" but I'm using it here for the sake of clarity.

NOTE - I have an email community not a list of people as if they where numbers.


I'm going to share with you how you can create different freebies that will cater to the taste of different visitors fast.

In fact, you could do it in 9 minutes.

Minute 1

Choose one problem or delight one type of visitor will want.

For example, visitors to my website want in general to grow their expert businesses. Some of them are at the stage that they want more clients. Some want to publish a book. Some are trying to figure out the online part, etc.

So for this freebie I chose visitors who want to publish a profitable book.

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Minute 2

What is a popular blog post you already have?

In this example, I wrote a blog post about creating the book content fast.

Minutes 3 - 5

I used Canva to turn that blog post into a great report.

You can sign for Canva here...

Within Canva, look up "reports". Choose one that you like and paste your content into the report.

Download it as a PDF.

Minute 6

Upload your report so that you get a link for your visitor to download your report.

NOTE - See the list of tools below for a link to Box to do this for free.

Minute 7

Create an email list inside your CRM.

If you don't have one, you can start free with the tool listed below.

Write a welcome email with the download link.

Minutes 8 - 9

Make a sign up page for your report.

If you don't have any other tool, you can use
LeadPages. (See a special link to get started for free down below with the other tools mentioned here).

Connect it with your CRM and voila, you are done!

Now all you have to do is rinse and repeat so that you can delight the different kinds of visitors to your site!

Till next time, remember... your awesomeness is portable. You can take it with you anywhere and everywhere.

With love


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Is Your Website Leaking Clients?

The freebie used in this article. You can model the strategy if you want...

How To Create The Content For Your Book Fast

The sign up page for the freebie


CRM - MailChimp

PDF Report -

Make Your Report Downloadable -

Sign Up Page For Your Report -

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