9 Real Reasons Why Clients Pay You Even If There Is Free Information Online | Ana Rosenberg

9 Real Reasons Why Clients Pay You Even If There Is Free Information Online

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"Why would they pay me if there is plenty of information out there for free?", a client asked me when she was about to launch her high-value program.

Yes, there is plenty of information available for free.


People still pay for what is important to them.

The number one reason why we buy anything is for the transformation we want to achieve.

So.. here are some of the main reasons why your clients will pay you...

The main reason...

The depth of results relevant to them.

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Other real reasons...

2. Your presence and your energy

3. Done-for-you

Sometimes we don't want to learn how to do something. We want it done for us.

PRO TIP - If you don't offer done-for-you services, the next best thing is "done with you".

4. Your system to get results

5. Your specially organized information

6. Your good information

There is plenty of free information. Dicerning people know that they want curated, good information.

7. Accountability

8. Speed

9. Closeness and access to you

Till next time, remember... your awesomeness is portable. You can take it with you anywhere and everywhere.

With love


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