5 Questions To Make Your Content Irresistible To Your Ideal Audience | Ana Rosenberg

5 Questions To Make Your Content Irresistible To Your Ideal Audience

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"Every piece of content makes you discoverable."
- Ana Rosenberg

The big opportunity - every piece of content you create is s new chance for your
people to discover you.

With content and information everywhere, your content needs to stand out to the people you want to attract.

These questions will help your content stand out in a sea of sameness as the expert of their choice.

“You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
- Maya Angelou

5 questions

1. what's in it for the reader/listener/viewer?

2. How can you give generously in exchange for their time and attention?

3. Does your content create an emotional reaction?

4. Is it specific?

5. What is nobody talking about i relation to your topic?

The secret ingredient

The devil recently needed funds for hell renovations. (And yes, renovations can be hell). So he decided to auction some torture tools on eBay.

A journalist sent to interview him asked about a little tool that happened to be the most expensive one.

"Ah, my favorite", the devil said.

"What is it?"

"It's a wedge. It keeps the door of hopelessness open so humans never get to discover how to get what they want. They get disheartened even before starting. You know how humans would stop themselves with questions like: "who am I to do this? This is impossible for me. Somebody else has already tried. What if it doesn't work for me? I'm not worth it". All that kills the most essential part of getting good at whatever you want to do: hope. If there is no hope, why even try."

For change and impact, we need hope.

I'm not talking about motivation, optimism, positive thinking or false hope.

I'm talking about real hope that your reader can get good at whatever it is and can get wherever they want to go.

Note - Your content doesn't have to repeat variations of "you got this" to create hope. It doesn't even need to explicitly use the word "hope".

An irresistible headline

Now, your headline needs to reflect the awesomeness of your content.

Give it a minute to make sure it is good.

Pro tip (literally) - Copywriters for big magazines are pros at headlines. You can get inspiration for yours by browsing covers of magazines like Cosmopolitan.

In the Resources at the bottom, you can download a little collection of headline templates for free to get started.

Next step

Now that you have your reader/listener/watcher there with you, how are you going to support them moving forward? What are you going to invite them to do next?

If you want to invite them to a class where you can deepen your connection and actually get clients, you might want to check out
Class Into Clients™ (the complete system to confidently teach an online class that attracts clients).

Till next time, remember... Your awesomeness is portable. You can take it with you everywhere and anywhere.

With love, 


Additional Resources

How To Make People Give You Their Genuine Attention Online – 5 Secrets To Cut Through The Noise, Be Seen & Valued For Your Contribution

Read more here...

The Top Online Marketing Strategy For A Small Business – Give And Grow Rich

Read more here...

Cutting Through The Noise - Million Dollar Headlines™
A collection of 39+ headline templates that media pay millions to create
You can download yours here -


Class Into Clients™
The complete system to confidently teach an online class that attracts clients.

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